Io Donna magazine issue #44: a fashion story, the cover, and some unpublished stuff.

Here below the fashion essai, styled by Silvia Meneguzzo, featuring the beautiful Brygida Naumovicz:

Please, watch Alberto Gottardo backstage video. Is really tender and beautiful:

Lady Grey from Toni Thorimbert on Vimeo.

The magazine cover story was dedicated to the internationally renowed designer Martino Gamper:

Some backstage images shot by Giorgio Serinelli:

Here below an unpublished Black and white portrait shot in the beautiful ramp that lead to the roof of the "Lingotto" building, the former "FIAT" factory in Torino.

And more images from this amazing place...

Io Donna magazine
Martino Gamper, Designer

Written by Lia Ferrari

"Il lato G"

Styled by Silvia Meneguzzo
Assisted by Stella Romoli

Hair Gianluca Guaitoli
Makeup Roman Gasser

Model: Brygida Naumovicz

Photographed by Toni Thorimbert

"Il lato G" backstage video by Alberto Gottardo

All backstage pictures by Giorgio Serinelli.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

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