Postcards from Los Angeles.

The surfers. Malibu Beach.

The skaters. Venice.

Chinese shadows at the Chinese theater. Hollywood Blvd.

The Diner.

The palms. Beverly Hills

The Bill.

The Cadillac.

The lawyer sign. La Cienega Blvd.

The billboard, Sunset Blvd.

The Location. Mulholland Drive.

The Pier. Santa Monica.

The sky ( for S.)

The traffic jam.

Photographed by Toni Thorimbert in L.A. from the 26th Oct to 5th November 2011.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

1 commento:

  1. Sono stata in quei posti e devo dire che le tue foto li arricchiscono di un fascino particolare. Il mio podio: prima la Cadillac, secondi gli skaters, terza la location :-)
