Reporter, ritrattista, affermato fotografo di moda e art director, Toni Thorimbert inizia a fotografare giovanissimo, documentando le tensioni sociali degli anni settanta. Negli anni ottanta, la sua collaborazione ai migliori periodici dell’epoca è fondamentale per definire il nuovo standard visivo di quegli anni, mentre gli anni novanta segnano la sua maturità come autore e la sua consacrazione a livello internazionale con collaborazioni a Brutus, Details, Mademoiselle, Wallpaper e la realizzazione di prestigiose campagne pubblicitarie. Il suo lavoro è stato oggetto di numerose mostre personali e collettive in Italia e all’estero.
Born in Lausanne (CH) Toni Thorimbert began his career in Italy in the mid seventies as a concerned reportage photographer. At the age of 20 he won his first award of exellence from the Italian Professional Photographers Association. In the ‘80 he contributed to define the image of top italian magazines such as Amica, Max and Italian Vanity Fair.
In the mid ‘90 he began to export his work (and himself) overseas,
shooting, among others, for Brutus, Wallpaper, Details and Mademoselle. His work has been shown around the world in solo and group exibitions.
Six acts of seduction reflecting on the power of photography, on its peculiarity and ambiguity, in a play of reflection in which the photographer and the subject - what we see and what is seen - continuously changes the protagonist of the scene.. Click on the picture to be connected
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